You are Welcome
Advancement and Promotion of Computing/Information Technology Education and Practice for the benefit of all
With Membership of Nigeria Women In Information and Technology(NIWIIT), you have demonstrated a commitment to your Professional Development and the Development of Information Technology community
Join us
…from student to experienced professional, we have something for you.
Complete your membership
application here
Basic steps to join NIWIIT
- Create your profile on the NIWIIT portal, thne proceed to confirm your registration from the emial sent to you. Afterwhich you can proceed to pay the registration fee through your profile
- Fill out the onlime application form, attach all required documents and submit it
- Upon submission, an email will be sent to confirm reciept of your application
- Once processed, you will recieve an email offering admission along with payment instructions. Fees vary by membership catagory
- Log in to your profile to accept the admission offer and make the neccessary payment
- After payment is confrimed, you will be issued a membership number and details about the inductions
- Attend the induction ceremony to recieve your membership ecrtificate. Following induction, you will participate in an orientatoion and be introduced to your state chapter Coordinator.
Application Requirements
To view the requirements for joining any category of NIWIIT NG, kindly click the link below
View Requirements